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“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.”

Marshall McLuhan CC

Tyler Dickey

Hello, I’m Tyler Dickey (American, 1989–?).
I write, take pictures, make art, and sometimes turn all that effort into books. Here, you can find galleries of my photography, see the latest Fresh Stuff I am working on, or have a look at my resources page for creative people. I also publish a newsletter called Interoperable. I have orbited the sun 35 times.


“Was it Kafka who learned about America by reading the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin… Kafka who said, “I like the Americans because they are healthy and optimistic.””

2 Topics: repair, urbanism, traditional & alternative process photography, bibliophilia, public transportation, telecommunications, bricolage, concrete, composites, typography

 2014 — BFA, Emphasis in Photography, University of Colorado Denver  

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Tyler Dickey