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In Regular Rotation

As the podcast-sphere grows and grows, with the last two years seeing millions of dollars changing hands in a space that was once reserved for audio nerds downloading NPR shows, I think it's important I dedicate a single page to collecting and curating podcast recommendations.
—Tyler Dickey, February 2020

My Favorite Podcasts:


“Two guys talking about analogue pursuits in a digital world - and a fair amount of nonsense too. Make the Past, the Present in the Future, this is 1857.”

99% Invisible

Ever wonder how inflatable men came to be regular fixtures at used car lots? Curious about the origin of the fortune cookie? Want to know why Sigmund Freud opted for a couch over an armchair? 99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture

All Consuming

Noah Kalina & Adam Lisagor buy a new direct-to-consumer product every week, and then talk about it for what, like an hour?

The Allusionist

The Allusionist is a podcast about language and etymology by Helen Zaltzman

The Anthropocene Reviewed

“John Green reviews facets of the human-centered planet on a five-star scale.”


"Chain of Events. Cause and Effect. We analyse what went right and what went wrong as we discover that many outcomes can be predicted, planned for and even prevented." With John Chidgey.


“CGP Grey and Myke Hurley are both independent content creators. Each episode, they get together to discuss their working lives.”


Criminal is a podcast about crime. Not so much the “if it bleeds, it leads,” kind of crime, but something a little more complex.

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History

Journalist and broadcaster Dan Carlin takes his unorthodox way of thinking and applies it to the past.

Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Cal Newport is a computer science professor and the New York Times bestselling author of Digital Minimalism and Deep Work. He writes about technology and the way it can both support and impede our efforts to live more meaningful, productive lives. In this podcast, he answers questions from his readers about work, technology, and the deep life.

The History of English Podcast2025

“The spoken history of a global language” written, produced and hosted by Kevin Stroud.

Judge John Hodgman

Judge John Hodgman is a weekly, comedic court show podcast hosted by humorist John Hodgman.

The Memory Palace

The Memory Palace is a storytelling podcast and public radio segment about the past. It was named a finalist for a Peabody Award in 2016.

Ologies with Alie Ward

“Take away a pocket full of science knowledge and charming, bizarre stories about what fuels these professional -ologists' obsessions. Humorist and science correspondent Alie Ward asks smart people stupid questions and the answers might change your life.”


“A show about the natural world and how we use it.” from New Hampshire Public Radio

Omnibus! With Ken Jennings and John Roderick

“Twice a week, Ken Jennings and John Roderick add a new entry to the OMNIBUS!, an encyclopedic reference work of strange-but-true stories that they are compiling as a time capsule for future generations.”

The Pen Addict

A show about pens and stationary

Rumble Strip2022

“On Rumble Strip, you’ll hear from artists and criminals, taxidermists and soccer moms, lawyers and waitresses. Erica Heilman invites herself into people’s homes to find out what they know, what they hate, who they love, what they’re afraid of, and what makes them more like you than you’d realized. These are vivid stories of the everyday.”

You're Wrong About

Mike and Sarah are journalists obsessed with the past. Every week they reconsider an event, person or phenomenon that's been miscast in the public imagination.


- Editor's Choice

This page is constantly growing and is probably in some disarray, please report broken links—or just send nice thoughts to—tyler(at)tylerdickey.com

Keep moving and get out of the way.