This old book is a periodic table of known mechanical movements, first published in 1868. The book has been scanned onto the web, with many of the gears animated into looping gifs so you can see precisely how their ingenious mechanisms work and what movements they create.
American Science & SurplusScience kits, educational toys, school supplies, arts and crafts items, hobby tools, scales, lab glass, housewares, electronics. All the good stuff.
Cool ToolsTools. Cool ones.
are.na“Spend less time “liking” and more time thinking. Are.na frees your mind from distraction and lets you organize your internet more mindfully.”
Ian’s Shoelace SiteYes, a site all about lacing and tying shoes. I use Ian’s own knot, aptly named "The Ian Knot."
Jessica Hische’s ResourcesJessica Hische is a lettering artist and author. Her resources page is fantastic (and the inspiration for this one).
The Prepared.“Every week The Prepared sends you research, analysis, and news from across the engineered, manufactured, and built world.”
Present & Correct“Office sundries for the modern workspace. New & vintage stationery available online & from our London store.”
Mcmaster-CarrAn industrial supplier with a HUGE selection (US Only).
Nero’s NotesUK-based stationer. Romantics for traditional, analogue writing supplies.
SmallPDFEverything you'll ever need for working with PDFs.
thistothat.comA dirt simple glue guide: Choose the two materials you'd like to glue together and voilà‼ Your answer for the perfect glue to adhere to them together.
Super-duper rubber bands with a wooden toggle thing. A million and one uses.
The Pomodoro Technique®A simple time management system that helps me a lot, maybe it will help you too?
An ongoing list of filmmakers, YouTube Channels, and other online films that I think are exceptional:
Alec Soth, The Art Assignment, Beau Miles, Essential Craftsman, Everything is a Remix, Harry Dwyer, Scott Brown Carpentry2024, Technology Connections, Ten Bullets, Van Neistat Vimeo & YouTubeAuthor of the hit 2016 book Deep Work (about the merits of mono-tasking and deep concentration in a world of constant distraction) and his newest release: A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload
Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion, and Jewelryby Leanne Shapton
Michael PollanAuthor of five New York Times bestsellers: Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation (2013), Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual (2010); In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto (2008); The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals (2006) and The Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the World (2001)
A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, ConstructionAn encyclopedia of over two hundred design patterns to create spaces that are comfortable, humane, inviting, and treat inhabitants intelligently. An essential read. Authors: Christopher Alexander; Sara Ishikawa; Murray Silverstein; Max Jacobson; Ingrid Fiksdahl-King; Shlomo Angel. Oxford University Press 1977, 1171 pages
Tyler on GoodreadsI keep my Goodreads account pretty up-to-date with what I'm reading.
Wink BooksFabulous books that “belong on paper.“
Producers of films, photo papers, and chemistry, including many classic formulas from defunct brands like Agfa.
Bostick & SullivanSupplier of materials and chemicals for alternative processes,
FILM FerraniaFILM Ferrania is restarting production for analogue film in both still photo and motion picture formats.
KEHIn my opinion, the internet’s best camera store, great for used gear and analogue equipment.
Photographers’ FormularyChemistry galore!
Sprint >> Systems of PhtographyProducers of black and white liquid chemistry.
Willem is an analogue photography wunderkind, his YouTube channel is as tranquil as it is informative.
THE *HUGE* archive.
Rubrication Design ExamplesA gallery of typographic and graphic design examples of rubrication, a classic pattern of using red against black for emphasis.
ShorpyHuge archive of scanned, restored, and curated historic photographs.
Two Hundred Fifty Things an Architect Should Know Webster's 1913“Connoisseur's reference to American English - a dictionary for writers and wordsmiths”
Image resizer resizes bulk batches like a champ
SquooshPowerful image resizing and compression tool.
“A web and iPhone application for copying the ‘hidden’ characters that come with the computer’s typefaces, to be pasted into emails, tweets, text documents, forums and whatever else you might need to spice up with an extra ♚, ฿ or, ❒.“
Resources for better type.
TypewolfPossibly the greatest type resource online. Great for print and web.
“Anthropologist, art director, illustrator, metaphor designer, and mediocre developer” - London, England
Simon WalkerDesigner & Lettering artist - Austin, Texas
A smorgasbord of tools for tweaking macOS, also adds Windows 7 style window snapping, worth every penny.
Pastebot“If copy & paste is a part of your workflow, Pastebot is an indispensable tool to improve your productivity. Quickly recall clippings that you have copied before and apply powerful text filters to format before pasting. Queue up multiple clippings to paste in sequence.”
Pixlr & GIMPTwo free alternatives to Adobe Photoshop.
Processing“Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts.”
macapps.linkThe best alternative to Ninite for macOS. Just choose what apps to install and get apps automatically installed, quietly, fast and easy. Use it to setup your new computer.
NotionAn amazing note-taking, task management, information-organizing platform.
NovaA native Mac code editor from the amazing team at Panic
nvALT (Notational Velocity)nvALT is a minimalist note-taking app for macOS with a unique user interface.
HazelAutomated organization for your Mac by Noodlesoft
LightshotWindows application for taking and annotating screenshots
Soulver“Soulver is a notepad calculator app for Mac. It's a notepad that gives instant answers to calculations in your text. Soulver is a better way to work things out than a classic calculator and a more lightweight tool than a spreadsheet.”
TextExpanderA more full-featured, cross platform alternative to aText, pricier, but has become my go to as I have been working in Windows more and more.
TextSniper2021“Instantly capture non-selectable text from YouTube videos, PDFs, images, online courses, screencasts, presentations, webpages, video tutorials, photos, etc. It's so simple and easy as taking a screenshot.”
“Since 2001, the Apostrophe Protection Society has had a mission to preserve the correct use of this important, though much misused, item of punctuation.”
Glitch Art ResourcesPhillip Stearn’s collection of resources concerning Glitch Art.
styleguides.ioWebsite style guide resources.
Tyler’s Telephony PageTyler’s (yes me!) telephony resources page.
“In its ruggedness and lack of concern to look comfortable or easy, Brutalism can be seen as a reaction by a younger generation to the lightness, optimism, and frivolity of today’s web design.”
The Museum of Online Museums (MoOM)A curated collection of online museums.
- Editor's Choice
This page is constantly growing and is probably in some disarray, please report broken links—or send nice thoughts to—tyler(at)tylerdickey.com